Friday, July 22, 2011

A letter to you...// Γράμμα σε σένα....

Good Evening,
It is time for me to write in Greek as well...

Ώρα να γράψω κάτι και στα Ελληνικά....

Γράμμα σε σένα

Είναι απόγευμα και φοβάμαι. Ξέρω ποιος είσαι και τι κάνεις αλλά είμαι ακόμα εδώ. 
Περιμένω. Μια κουβέντα σου, ένα μήνυμα ότι είσαι καλά και δεν λείπεις.
Δεν φοβάμαι την μοναξιά, την έχω συνηθίσει. Είναι πια ένα κομμάτι με μένα..
Ένα κομμάτι παλιό, γραμμένο στα κατάστιχα του χρόνου. 
Δεν φοβάμαι ούτε εσένα. Το μόνο που φοβάμαι είναι μια ζωή όπου δεν θα είσαι εδώ. 
Οι σκιές θαμπώνουν το φως. Οι σκιές οδηγούν και εγώ ακολουθώ.

Κρατάω το μολύβι σφιχτά και κοιτάω το χαρτί. 
Θέλω να το σκίσω να το πετάξω και αυτό στο καλάθι των αχρήστων.
Νιώθω ότι τα πάντα αλλάζουν και εγώ μένω στάσιμη.
Είναι άραγε αλήθεια; 
Όλα να προχωρούν, μα εγώ να μένω εδώ; Κομμάτι ενός ατέρμονου είναι.
Κραυγάζω μέσα στο σκοτάδι και τραβάω τα μαλλιά μου σα να είμαι σε παροξυσμό. 
Θέε μου, έχασα τα λογικά μου με αυτόν τον χωρισμό. 
Γιατί; Γιατί, να μου συμβαίνει εμένα αυτό;

Έφυγες και έχασα τα λογικά μου, όχι ότι σε νοιάζει.
Δε σε νοιάζει πια τι νιώθω και τι περνώ. Άραγε να με θυμάσαι; 
Έχει περάσει ένας χρόνος. Εγώ θυμάμαι. 
Θυμάμαι τα πάντα και ίσως για αυτό να παραληρώ.
Θα ήθελα να σε δω έστω για λίγο. Μια φορά. 
Αν και γνωρίζω ότι για σένα δεν έχει καμία απολύτως σημασία.
Σου εύχομαι κάθε ευτυχία, ακόμα και τώρα που συνεχίζω να πονώ.

Έφυγες θυμάμαι. Πέρασε κάμποσος καιρός. 
Ο πόνος καταλάγιασε στο στήθος. Σκέφτομαι ότι πέρασε και χαμογελώ.
Σου γράφω για να σου πω αντίο
Ωρίμασα και ξέρω ότι δεν ήταν για εμάς γραφτό.
Αντίο και καλή σου τύχη. Κάποτε θα συμπλήρωνα στο τέλος σ'αγαπώ.
Τώρα πια αυτό δεν είναι εφικτό.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hey Everyone,
Last night I attended Bon Jovi Live in Athens concert. It was their first time to Greece and literally a lot of people were waiting for this gig. We have booked our tickets pretty early and after all those months we were finally there. I have to say that there are not enough words to describe, how beautiful you feel when you are in a stadium full with 80.000 people, while Bon Jovi were performing.

I believe that many of you, who are reading this, have felt something similar. Of course, this might have happened with another artist but I want you to focus to your feelings. I was listening to their set list and I did a step back in time, when I was listening to them as a teen.

Some of their songs have coloured my school days and teen life in general. So, I have to reveal that last night those memories came up to the surface. I was surprised at first but I smiled. Who hasn't cried with their "Bed of Roses" or "Always",? Who hasn't shouted to an ex "You give love a bad name". Who hasn't danced or yelled with their friends "Have a nice day" or "It's my life" and so many more?

It is so beautiful to remember that era. Being young and careless. Try to recall how you perceived life even with your innocence. The first time you fall in love or someone broke your heart. But above all, the most important thing is that for once more, you have access to your inner child. The one we all have hidden when responsibilities take over.

While I was doing the seminar, our teacher pinpointed to us, the importance to remember that inner child. What were your fears, thoughts, ideas at that time. If you ask me, if this is really important, the answer is yes.

Writers must be open to all the memories, good and bad in order to be able to express themselves without silencing anything. If you cannot be truthful with yourself, how you can do so with a character? How can you touch other people's lives while they are reading your book?

I am always writing with music. For me it is like oxygen. I cannot think myself without music or even in cases that there is silence without rhythm. Everything is interwined, emotions, music, words. So, last night gave another light to my teacher's advice and I will try to follow this advice as much as I can.

Until Tomorrow,

Have a nice day!


P.S. This Romeo is bleeding....Enjoy Always

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hello...Is Anybody Here?

Hey Everyone,
Kalispera....I know that it is a while since I updated my blog but you have to excuse my absence. I would like to thank all those who entered my blog since it was created and read some of my material. I am really happy that you dedicated some of your precious time to my thoughts and ideas.

So, let us introduce shall we? I am Cleopatra and this is my writer's blog. I am writing since forever but you can see more about me HERE. If you want to talk to me don't be shy... You can find me on my Twitter and on Google+ (Check on the sidebar for my official links.) I really like to communicate with people, so yeah I would like to see you more in here, commenting and sharing your thoughts.

So, let's now go back to the fact that I wasn't active on my blog. Yes it is true. Although, it is summer I am working on a very important project at the moment. Well important for me and maybe for some people in the near future. I am writing my first Greek novel. There I said it. It is a project that I am working the past two months and this idea is in my mind from the past year. After a seminar in creative writing I felt more sure about who I am as a writer, what I want to write as my first novel and...I just followed my guts.

So here I am in a very hot Tuesday night, where I should be writing, but I am doing a lil break to finally write this blog entry! I will try to blog more and as a matter of fact, I have a special book review I want to do within the next days. Just be patient if I am not here much. Writing is taking almost all my free time and for those who don't know I am working the weekdays 9-5 as the rest of you. So, when my Muse is calling I am writing. Have to go for now but I will be back!

Until the next time, have a nice evening ahead.


P.S. Do you want to know one of the songs that are in my playlist for this novel?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Book Review: A Discovery Of Witches By Deborah Harkness

Book: A Discover Of Witches
Author: Deborah Harkness
Hardcover : 592 Pages
Publisher: Viking Adult

The leather-bound volume was nothing remarkable. To an ordinary historian, it would have looked no different from hundreds of other manuscripts in Oxford’s Bodleian Library, ancient and worn. But I knew there was something odd about it from the moment I collected it.
Duke Humfrey’s Reading Room was deserted on this late-September afternoon, and requests for library materials were filled quickly now that the summer crush of visiting scholars was over and the madness of the fall term had not yet begun. Even so, I was surprised when Sean stopped me at the call desk.
“Dr. Bishop, your manuscripts are up,” he whispered, voice tinged with a touch of mischief. The front of his argyle sweater was streaked with the rusty traces of old leather bindings, and he brushed at it self-consciously. A lock of sandy hair tumbled over his forehead when he did.
I loved this book the first time I read it, and I loved it even more this (second) time too. Although the first time I read it within 24 hours this time I prefered to enjoy myself, so it took me four days. I really like books that have history elements. Deborah Harkness is a historian of science herself making this book a very pleasant trip for someone who doesn't know at all details about alchemy and 15th century history and arts.

Mrs. Harkness created a very interesting universe where the lead heroine is Diana Bishop a witch who prefered to cut ties with her past after a traumatic experience and focused entirely to her studies in the academic field. When Diana discovers a lost manuscript a lot of other creatures enter into her life. 

Which are those creatures? Other witches, vampires, daemons and finally the unaware humans. 

What happens when the first creature that makes his presence known is a very charming but bossy French Vampire? Matthew le Clemort is not a vampire you want to overstep. He is a doctor but also a warrior and the only one who can protect her. 

Diana is trying to understand what all these creatures want from her, but also who she really is. She has to realize that some gifts in life are given for a reason, even though some she didn't ask for . Matthew will help her along the way but they will face a lot of difficulties because their relationship is forbidden by an ancient agreement. When the wrath will fall upon them, they will realize that they have to stand their grounds and to fight back. 

You can find more about A Discovery of Witches at Deborah Harkness' Official Website 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

*New* My Brand New Blog's Layout!

Use Your Imagination Designs

Hey Everyone,
I really wanted a new layout for my Author's blog
So I did my research and through a friend I found Lori of Use Your Imagination Designs who created this amazing layout for me!

It's simply amazing don't you think?

Thank you Lori!
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